Monday, April 5, 2010

Funal Demonstration

March 1, was the day when the 4th year students of PNU who were assigned in LWES Bldg.1 who were having their internship had their final demonstration.As a part of our observation,we had to observed them in their final demonstration.I observed the three of them,they were Ms.Lorelyn Quintilla nad Mr. Dennis Millare and Ms. Aguavida.Ms. Quintilla discussed about the letter X for the Grade 1-SPED in English subject while Mr.Millare discussed the Electric Measurement in Grade V Mathematics and Ms. Aguavida tackled about the colors of the stars according to their temperature in the Science of grade V class also.

February 12, with Grade II-Sped

Ms. Vasquez was out of her classroom thats why she asked me to look her pupils if they doing their art activity,and as i was observed the pupils are doing their task even if their teacher was not around.They followed the instruction which their teacher was given.They did not disturbed their classmate,and they are chatting in a very low voice.It showed that their teacher disciplined them well.

my fisrt day of observation

February 5, 2010 was the first day of my observation in LWES Bldg.1.My cooperating teacher gave me a task which is the Phil.IRI.And I was assigned in Grade V.After that the principal was talkked to us about our schedule of our observation.It was a great day for me because I did my task for that day.